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October 24, 2019
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Fire Department Visit Fire Department Visit

 To celebrate Fire Prevention Month in October, the Aurora Fire Department came to visit our Tiny Tomcats! They went over safety measures and how to stop, drop, and roll. They put on their uniforms to show the students there is nothing to be afraid of when you see a firefighter! Students were then able to explore the fire engine – they got to touch the fire hose and sit in the driver’s seat. It was a great learning experience for our students! 

 To celebrate Fire Prevention Month in October, the Aurora Fire Department came to visit our Tiny Tomcats! They went over safety measures and how to stop, drop, and roll. They put on their uniforms to show the students there is nothing to be afraid of when you see a firefighter! Students were then able to explore the fire engine – they got to touch the fire hose and sit in the driver’s seat. It was a great learning experience for our students!